Tournament Director
John Moore helps lead
Upstate Pickleball and conducts pickleball clinics with beginner and intermediate players. He served as the tournament director for the Greenville Smash from 2017 through 2020. Outside of Pickleball, John is a
marketing strategist, business book author and keynote speaker. John lives in Greenville, SC and volunteers with the National Stuttering Association to
help people who stutter embrace their disfluency and live an uncompromised life.
Tournament Assistant
Sandy Halkett regularly competes in pickleball tournaments and eagerly shares playing tips with Upstate Pickleball players. She is a
LPGA Class A Professional, certified Adaptive Golf Instructor and founded
Adaptive Pickleball in 2020 to enhance the lives of people with physical and mental challenges. Sandy is married to Scotty Halkett, the Head Men’s Soccer Coach at USC Upstate. They have 3 children, 3 cats, 1 dog and a turtle. Besides playing golf, she loves spending time with family, fishing and of course, playing pickleball.